This is a time for celebration! My last semester as an undergrad and since I have no clue if or when I'll ever get back to college I should be livin' it up in style.
I made myself an awesoem tote a few years back with just the right amount of space and uber pockets But it has two thin little handles that do fit over the shoulder but cut in when heavy. I walk nearly a mile to class folks and as an art student who knows what all will be in my bag. I'm one of those best to be prepared kinda gals, ya know. So my priorities were 1)lots of space 2)comfy for long hikes 3)trying a zippered pocket 4) handy place for ipod and id card (which I need to get into all the art buildings).
The fabric is all vintage, baby! And of course, this is Ellie we're talking about so I threw pattens and together that don't quite "go" and yet work somehow. I just laid my sketchbook down on the fabric and cut from there leaving plenty of room top to bottom and left to right for the odd ball of yarn or roll of fabric.
I found a great tutorial online for how to put in a zippered pocket
I put mine on the outside of the flap for those things you want super handy like car keys and markers. Perhaps even a notebook or dayplanner. The only problem is I really wish I had possitioned it to unzip the other way. It looked right laying on the table but is a little akward when worn on the body. Just something to keep in mind on future projects.
[This is where I really need to get better about in progress photos!]
Then I tackled the lining giving myself pockets for the things I know I carry. Since I designed it all myself I could put in as many of any size as I wanted. I did one large pocket with a smaller sectional one on the outside. Pockets are easy peazy mac and cheezy. Just cut the rectangle, hem one edge, fold under the other edges and sew!
Last was attaching the strap which gave me problems. Not because I couldn't technically handle it but because of my own indecision and lack of selection at local craft stores. I had envisioned this with big metal hoop handle attachments but since I made the bag (and strap) extra wide I couldn't find any rings or d-rings large enough. I settled for smaller than I wanted but that caused the bag to sag in weird places and the flap to not seem large enough. SO I seam ripped the d-rings off and just attached it to the sides using the same triangles I had made to go thru the d-rings.
Inside the strap where it hits my back and shoulder I placed doubled quilt batting to keep it from digging in or rubbing when its full of notebooks.
Then last but not least I added a small pocket super handy on the strap for my id and ipod. I need that stinkin id to open building doors and it can be a pain to dig it out from buried deep in a bag. And the pocket could also hold my ipod and be close enough to my head for my earbuds to reach.
I am really happy with it for my first ever messenger bag and only my second book bag. Go Me!