Monday, July 12, 2010

Making Your Own Rubber Stamp (Razor's Edge 1)

I wanted fabric printed with double edged razor blades. I doubt they make it and if they do...well I can't afford it right now. So I decided to make my own.
Materials: rubber eraser, exacto knife, image, pencil
Step 1: Obtaining an image. I found my image in an image search*. But you can draw one. The important thing is finding one that fits your eraser and respecting common copyright laws.
Step 2: cover the back of the image with graphite. ie. scribble back and forth with a pencil all over the back of the image but spefically over the outline.
Step 3: lay the image over your erasure with the graphite down. Then draw over the outline of your image pressing down hard. Toodah! You just transferred your image!
Step 4: Deciding whats going to be possitive or negative. In my case I wanted the razor blades to be the possitive space-or the colored in space, and the area around it to disappear.
Step 5: carefully cut around your image removing the negative space. (if the image is going to be the possitive than remove everything outside of your image). I only cut down about 1/8" since anything below that won't register with a common stamp pad.
Step 6: Stamp away! If using a stamp long term I like to do the first couple with acrylic paint which helps to seal it. It is best applied, in my opinion, watered down and with a foam brush. The rainbow razor blade you see above was done with a rainbow stamp pad.

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