Saturday, July 10, 2010


Life is about watching. Its when we stop Watching that we lose perspective and become one of those walking zombie people (and not the cool kind). Watching is a skill that is not often talked about and usually overlooked by the masses. You will rarely see it mentioned in a sitcom or an issue of O. But it is when I stop Watching that I am overcome with stress, frustration, and feel overwhelmed by the daily activities of life.
I could say that I've been procrastinating. I could say that I've been having a mini artistic crisis (kind of true) but I've also been Watching. I've been Watching my tadpoles become frogs. Watching my kitten play and nap and hide his ungraceful mishaps and Watching snails.
During my husband and I's manual labor I found piles of what appeared to be spiral seashells that had mysteriously gathered under cinder blocks. My mind couldn't quite piece together how the shells had gotten to an AZ backyard and yet there they were by the handfull. I picked some up to give to my kids and only to see them crawling about on their own a few minutes later. Gorgeous, black, sleek snails in this long spiral shell. They were most likely going to die outside now that their insulated retreat had been removed so we brought many home to live in our frog tanks. They are happily eating up the plants and finding rot to eat in the soil.
Is this a message about bloom where you are planted? Who knows. I just know that I was delighted by these tiny black snails that I easily would have missed if I'd been paying less attention.

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